
RGFC » Recipes » Breakfast

Reese’s Peanut Butter Pancakes

Being a breakfast junkie, I am always into trying new foods for my favourite meal of the day, which also happens to be my favourite meal to cook. Who doesn't like breakfast for dinner? Come on! If you don't, you're on the wrong site. I'm only partially kidding....

Drunk Monkey Bread

About 15 years ago I used to work in a breakfast cafe in Roswell, Georgia. It was just a bit more of a training ground for my favourite meal of the day! While I was there, I perfected the egg flip and most of the other classic staples of breakfast making. Not sure...

Kahlua French Toast batter

Mix - 3 eggs 1/4 cup milk 1 tbsp (15 g) Cinnamon 1 tsp (5 g) Nutmeg 1 tsp (5 g) Ginger 2 oz Orange Juice 2 oz Kahlua Dunk your bread in the batter once it's completely mixed and cook on a medium heat until golden!

Huevos Nachos Italiano

I'm not sure if you've noticed yet, but I love breakfast foods and I love pork. Such a versatile meat, bacon, sausage, bacon, roast, chops - it's all good. When I can combine the two it's even better! And one of the other things I like is breakfast casseroles. This is...

Breakfast Burrito

We've all heard the story about when I was a young warthog ... OK, maybe you haven't heard my version. Either way, I grew up on Mexican food and developed a taste for more spice. However, in all that time I was never introduced to the delights of the Breakfast Burrito...

Pig Sty

One of the first things I learned to cook for myself back in the day was French Toast. I learned that recipe from my Nanny. And that started a lifelong love of cooking but not of breakfast. That I can thank my mother for - she always loved breakfast. But her usual...

Banana Oat-Walnut Pancakes

It's usually pretty tough to do baking that is GF. But I was able to alter a recipe that gave me enough pancakes to save in portions (about 24 for breakfast. Obviously this one is not spicy, but it is nonetheless tasty for sure! Banana Oat-Walnut Pancakes 2 cups (480...