
RGFC » Philosophy
There are a lot of people who will be looking at this blog with the intent to learn how to cook gluten free. Well here’s the secret plain and simple – don’t use products with Gluten!

It’s not really rocket science. Find products that you can use that are gluten free. Become a Label Hawk. And continue to cook as you would before. Whether you are in a home that will be completely GF or just partially, you just have to know what you can and can’t use.

Just be wary of cross-contamination. That is the biggest problem I’ve found in cooking in a household that has not gone completely GF. I have my own butter, my own spreads, and will wind up cooking two meals most of the time – one that is GF and spicy and one that is not.

Going GF certainly has its advantages according to popular research. You want that info – go look for it. The same with all of the other fad diet stuff. The only true concerns I have with my cooking is that it’s GF and I don’t like to use excess salt or sugar simply because there is enough of that in most foods already.

That said, I will strive to be as healthy as I can with the recipes. At some point, I will hopefully have some help on what the benefits of certain ingredients are. Also, if you want help with identifying GF food and habits, you can check out the Links section.