Carrot Cake

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RGFC ยป Carrot Cake

There’s not a lot that you can say about a cake that involves veggies. I have loved a chocolate

This was a single recipe with walnuts only. I had to fight to take leftovers home from the party!

This was a single recipe with walnuts only. I had to fight to take leftovers home from the party!

zucchini cake before, but carrot cake with cream cheese icing is the stuff that rabbit’s dreams are made of. And I need to stop typing right there and compose myself for this family friendly site!


I have a friend of mine who told me that the only way he likes to eat carrots is in cake. He has tried this cake and has told me that I can make it any time for him. While I’m at it, I can make a cake for the rest of my family and myself as well. It really is that good!

Carrot Cake

2 cups (480 g) GF flour
2 cups (480 g) sugar
2 tsp (10 g) baking powder
1 tsp (5 g) baking soda
1 tsp (5 g) salt
1 tsp (5 g) cinnamon
1 cup (250 ml) veggie oil
5 eggs
3 cups grated carrots
1/2 cup GF certified walnuts
1/2 cup raisins

  1. Pre-heat your oven to 325 degrees. Beat your sugar together with the oil on high and then add the eggs one at time.
  2. After scraping down the sides, add the dry ingredients sans the carrots, walnuts and raisins.
  3. Add the carrots and mix well. Scrape down the sides a number of times to ensure that the wet mixture is thoroughly combined.
  4. At this point, I typically pour the cakes into parchment lined 9″ round pans and mix the walnuts in one half and the raisins in the other half. You could mix it all together and just bake it as one in a 9″ x 13″. I like the walnuts, my wife likes the raisins – as I’ve said before, I typically cook two different meals, sometimes two different desserts as well.
  5. Bake for about 60-65 minutes until toothpick comes out clean. Let it cool for about 20 minutes before trying to ice it.

Cream Cheese Icing

8 oz (250 g) cream cheese
3 tbsp (45 ml) veggie oil
3.5 cups (840 g) icing sugar
1/4 tsp (2 g) salt
2 tbsp (30 ml) vanilla

  1. Cream the cheese in your clean blender before adding in the oil.
  2. Once that is thoroughly blended add in the other ingredients besides the sugar, combine and then add the sugar.
  3. The icing will be easy to use, almost sliding off the cake if it’s too hot. So either wait for the cake to cool completely or ensure that your icing is a bit colder before you start to ice the cake.